We covered both Bangkok and Pattaya city in October 2009. While Pattaya city was the first destination we paid a visit to, Bangkok was the place which etched itself in my memory because of its cleanliness and the gorgeous shrines and monasteries.
Pattaya also known as the "Sin city" of Thailand is truly a bachelor's paradise with its exotic night life and sexy drop-dead good looking girls catering to the needs of the tourists. With an estimated 40,000 women working in beer bars or Go GO bars, massage parlours and some working as freelancers, Pattaya City has a lot to offer in terms of pleasure for men. Besides the night life, Pattaya has some exotic beaches with plentiful beach activities, spanking posh malls, roadside delicious Thai foods and Gem Factory.
Pattaya City comes alive mostly in the weekend. With an hour drive from Bangkok airport, plenty of tourists and residents of Bangkok choose this place as destination for their weekend revelry. When we reached Pattaya, the first thing that came to my notice was the beautiful sight of the beaches. The scantily clad women roaming around with tourists or partners along the beach side road also was another bizarre thing to strike my attention.Immediately I realized I have come to a "funky" place.We resided in "Hotel Beverly Plaza" and the first thing I enjoyed was a gourmet meal with fried noodles, omlette and fried rice prepared in authentic Thai style. Pics below:
After the lunch, we slept tight for few hours before we got ready for the night stroll along the Walking Street and the beach road. Since we were really tired due to the nightlong journey in plane (it takes about 3-4 hours in flight to reach Bangkok from Kolkata and about one hour from Bangkok to reach Pattaya City.),we didnt keep much program for the night. Mostly I indulged myself in shopping. It was Friday and the Walking Street came into life around midnight.It was really exciting to saunter through the Walking Street lined with Go-Go Bars, Dance bars with loud music blaring out and skimpy dressed women calling out for attention. Some pics below:
Next morning we headed towards the Coral Beach. Debu tried parasailing there and it turned out successful. As for me I chickened out at the last moment because of my height phobia and also the fact that after you take off in parachut they will first dip you into the sea before pulling you up on the boat gave me a cold feet. I dont know swimming and floating in the middle of the sea was quite a petrifying idea for me. Some snapshots of Debu flying up in the air are below:
After having a refreshing bath, we had an appetizing lunch at an Indian restaurant located inside a posh nightclub but since we visited the place during the day, only a small section of the club was open to the tourists.The meal comprises chicken and mutton curry, zeera (cumin seeds) rice, daal, vegetable curry,raita, some kind of fish (which I found awful in taste), payesh etc. Then we returned to our hotel for an afternoon siesta.
After a satisying shopping venture, we headed for the famous Alcazar Show.This show will surely take your breath away with its glitter and the dazzling performances by a troop of artists clad in shimmering gowns. The outstanding colourful costumes and the artful display of lights by creating a perfect kaleisdoscope of illusions kept me totally transfixed for three hours and I felt fully entertained and sated after it was over. However, the most interesting revelation was the fact that all these performers were transgenders. Inconceivably, looking at their grace and X-factor not for a single moment any flicker of doubt entered my mind about this astounding transition.
After taking the memory of the famous Alcazar show imprinted in our minds, we began our night stroll along the beach side road. We saw swine being roasted on grill. Swine being roasted might not be an uncommon sight but my curiosity was aroused by the swine face yet attached to its vertebra when it was placed above fire.
Gem Factory was the last destination we visited in Pattaya. Then we started over our journey for Bangkok.